The latest information in relation to consultations, research, statutory guidance, government policy, tools and resources for practitioners and families.
Welcome to the latest tri.x Information Circular for Children's and Adults' Social Care and Safeguarding
Autumn 2023
This free resource provides a collection of some of the latest information in relation to consultations, research, statutory guidance, government policy, tools and resources for practitioners and families, with links to related sources.
The Online Safety Act received Royal Assent on 26th of October 2023
The Online Safety Act received Royal Assent on the 26th of October 2023, read here . The Act places legal responsibility on tech companies to prevent and rapidly remove illegal content, like terrorism and revenge pornography. They will also have to stop children seeing material that is harmful to them such as bullying, content promoting self-harm and eating disorders, and pornography. For the government announcement of Royal Assent click here .Ofcom is the regulator for online safety in the UK - for further information click here.
GOV.UK - Joint targeted area inspection of the multi-agency response to children and families who need help
Local areas multi-agency responses to serious youth violence will be the focus of upcoming thematic Joint Targeted Area Inspections carried out by Ofsted, CQC, HMICFRS and HMIP, starting in September 2023. The inspections will also consider multi-agency interventions in places such as parks, streets and shopping malls, where individual or groups of children are at risk, to improve safety for children and for communities. In addition to individual local area reports, an overview summary of the thematic inspections will be published. The guidance for inspectors carrying out the multi-agency response to children affected by serious youth violence in a local authority area in England is available here
GOV.UK - Use of force, restraint and restrictive practices in the children and young people secure estate
This policy framework sets out rules and guidance on the use of approved restraint techniques and restrictive physical interventions for staff at secure settings and escort providers in the Youth Custody Service (YCS). Read more here
Dept for Education - Understanding and dealing with issues relating to parental responsibility - updated 24th August 2023
This guidance has been produced to help schools understand their obligations and duties in relation to the rights and responsibilities of parents, as recognised by education law. Updated 24th August 2023. More information here
Information Commissioner's Office - A 10 step guide to sharing information to safeguard children
This is a 10 step guide on data protection considerations when sharing personal information for child safeguarding purposes. It aims to help you feel confident about sharing information when you need to safeguard a child or young person at risk of harm. Read the guide here.
OFSTED - Webinars for Schools - Autumn Term 2023
This term Ofsted will be hosting the following webinars:
- How Ofsted inspects behaviour - How Ofsted inspects alternative provision
Family Rights Group - Six key tests for Government on kinship care
The first national kinship care strategy is set to be published by the end of this year. Family Rights Group has set six tests for government to deliver on to meet the needs of children and families. Click here for more information.
Press Release
DHSC - Major national strategy to reduce number of tragic suicides
The Suicide prevention strategy for England: 2023 to 2028 sets out the visions and aims to prevent self-harm and suicide, including the actions the government and other organisations will take to save lives and delivers a firm commitment to see the number of suicides in England decrease within 2 and a half years at the very latest. Read here.
Coram Children's Legal Centre - Children and Young People living in Ukraine
Coram Children’s Legal Centre have worked with Coram BAAF, CFAB, Save the Children and FRG to jointly produce a FAQ document regarding children and young people living in kinship care arrangements in England through the Ukraine visa schemes. Read here.
NSPCC - Why language matters: What is meant by 'early help'
What is the difference between 'early help' and 'early intervention'? The lack of clarity around the meaning of the term ‘early help’ leaves it open to interpretation. This lack of shared understanding is a contributing factor to the variation in the level and type of support provided by different local areas. This impacts the effectiveness of the help professionals are able to offer to children and families in their local area. ‘Early help’ often covers universal support, such as health visiting or open access youth services. ‘Early intervention’ is generally used to mean additional, targeted support that occurs around a specific issue deemed a concern, but which is not at a high enough threshold or level for a child protection statutory response. Read here.
Statutory Guidance
Home Office - Overhaul of Prevent underway with statutory guidance published July 2023
Following the recommendations of the Independent review of Prevent, the Home Office has refreshed draft Prevent duty guidance, click here to view, and a statutory instrument, viewable here, laid in the House of Commons to bring it into force under the Counter-Terrorism and Security Act, aiding frontline professionals in stopping people from becoming terrorists or supporting terrorism. This is the first major revision since the 2015 Guidance and will, subject to parliamentary approval, take effect from 31 December 2023. Alongside the revised guidance the Home Office published a Prevent Duty Toolkit for Local Authorities, available to read here.
Department for Education - Keeping Children Safe in Education - Updated 1st September 2023
The September 2023 version of the keeping Children Safe in Education guidance is now in force, replacing previous versions. You can find it here. This was initially published for information in June. Since then meaningful amendments have been made to paragraphs 142, about the appropriateness of filtering and monitoring systems online, and 150, about guidance and resources on inspection. Annex F has a table of substantive changes from the September 2022 guidance. For additional reading on the updated KCSIE see the following blog from Safeguarding in Schools here
Department of Health (August 2023) Proportional Assessment approaches: a guide from the Chief Social Worker for Adults and Principal Social Workers
This is a Supplementary Guide to the Care Act 2014 and the Care and Statutory Guidance. It is to help professionals think about how they respond proportionality, person centred and work alongside people and their carers who are in need of care and support. View the guide here .
Department of Health and Social Care - Covid-19 supplement to the infection prevention and control resource for Adult Social Care
This is updated guidance on Covid 19 (in place from 27/9/23) which outlines infection prevention and control for staff, service users and visitors to adult social care settings and services in England. See guidance here.
Statutory Guidance
Department of Health and Social Care - DHSC's position on the determination of ordinary residence disputes in light of the outcome of the Worcestershire Case
This outlines the position of the DHSC now that the Worcestershire Case has been resolved. Read here.
Community Care - Legal Analysis on the supreme court verdict on ordinary residency and mental health after care
Tim Spencer Lane assesses the court ruling on determining responsibility for aftercare when people are placed out of area and then detained again under the Mental Health Act. Read here.
The Guardian - Met wins battle with NHS over not attending mental health calls
From 31st of October, the Met police will stop attending most mental health calls. The police will only attend calls if there is risk to life, a danger to the public or a crime is taking place. More information here.
Community Care - AMHPs- Lack of time for extremely important pre-assessment work with people in crisis finds survey
Research has looked at the importance of pre-assessment work which is likely to improve the outcome of people in mental health crisis and provide less restrictive interventions. View the survey here.
Better Hiring Institute - Better hiring toolkit
This Better Hiring Toolkit provides guidance to support you to both obtain and provide effective references and conduct information. It has been compiled as a collaboration between the Better Hiring Institute, Disclosure & Barring Service (DBS), Skills for Care, Reed Screening, Dominic Headley & Associates (DHA), and VBA Consulting. Read the toolkit here.
Vocational Funding
Skills for Care - Adult Social Care Data Set
The Workforce Data Fund supports the provision of high-quality care and the continuing professional development of staff across the adult social care sector by providing a contribution towards the costs of vocational learning. The fund allows employers to claim back money towards the costs of workers completing a broad range of adult social care qualifications, learning programmes and digital learning modules. To claim the fund you need to meet the criteria for adding data to the Adult Social Care Workforce Data Set. View here
Local Government and Social Care Ombudsman - Review of Adult Social Care Complaints 2022-23
This annual review looks at complaints that the Ombudsman has reviewed in 2022- 2023 with regards to adult social care and gives guidance and support for care providers and councils. There are some useful guidance documents embedded in the review. Review available here .
tri.x - Online Procedures for Adult Social Care Live Demonstration and Q&A
To support Local Authorities with Quality Commission review and assessments we at tri.x have arranged an Online Procedures for Adult Social Care webinar - please join us by registering on the following link.
National Development Team for Inclusion and Mencap - Resources from Research about Work and Learning Disability
Resources which has come from research around what people with Learning Disabilities want from work, what are the barriers and what support is needed to keep people in paid work. Read here.
Discussion Paper
Institute of Public Policy Finances - Reforming Health and Social Care
This report looks at how health and social care could be reformed to provide a better more community led service. Read the report here.
Fact Sheet
Centre for Mental Health - Fact Sheet- Muslim Mental Health
Research suggests that Muslims face some of the greatest mental health inequalities, and yet too many encounter significant barriers to support. See fact sheet here.
The Commission on Young Lives - Keeping girls and young women safe report
In this report, evidence and policy has been gathered to explore how girls and young women are becoming at risk of violence and harm, the impact of gangs, how they can be protected and supported. Ambitious recommendations are also put forward. Read the report here
Policy Framework
GOV.UK - Use of force, restraint and restrictive practices in the children and young people secure estate
This policy framework sets out rules and guidance on the use of approved restraint techniques and restrictive physical interventions for staff at secure settings and escort providers in the Youth Custody Service (YCS). Read here.
Overview Report
Local Government Lawyer - Special Educational Needs and Disabilities and Alternative Provision Improvement Plan
Lucy Crofts explores the Government's approach to SEND and Alternative Provision improvements following its recent review. She looks at the key challenges identified and the Government's plan to address these. Read here.
Nice Guidance - Transition from Children's to Adult Services- UPDATE
The new quality standards will update the existing quality standards on transitions from children's to adults services (published in December 2016). The expected publication date of the new standards is 14/12/23. For more information click on this link.
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