The latest information in relation to consultations, research, statutory guidance, government policy, tools and resources for practitioners and families.
Welcome to the latest tri.x Information Circular for Children's and Adults' Social Care and Safeguarding
August 2023
This free resource provides a collection of some of the latest information in relation to consultations, research, statutory guidance, government policy, tools and resources for practitioners and families, with links to related sources.
We are looking for Consultants!
tri.x are seeking Social Workers who have knowledge of the Scottish and Welsh legislation to assist us to deliver our successful social care products/services into Scotland and Wales. We’d be happy to work with you on an employed or self-employed basis and keen to get the work started as quickly as possible.
If you are interested in having an informal chat on our requirements please contact
Good Practice Guide
Local Government Ombudsman - Unsuitable Temporary Accommodation
This guide for practitioners relates specifically to cases where homeless applicants, who are owed the main housing duty, are occupying temporary accommodation which the council accepts is unsuitable. The guide follows recent court decisions on the subject and an increase in the number of complaints received.
BASW - Childhood Violent and Aggressive Behaviour Guidance
This brief guidance has been compiled to support social workers in formulating a response to families, following round table events that identified the wide range of social work settings where social workers were responding with limited guidance and training. Click here to read more
Ministry of Justice - Safeguarding and child protection in the children and young people secure estate policy framework
This policy framework sets out statutory safeguarding duties for secure settings and escort providers in the Youth Custody Service (YCS). Read more here.
Policy Paper
Department for Education - Improving Multi - Agency Information sharing 6th July 2023
Government policy on information sharing and the use of a consistent child identifier. The report explores the barriers and potential enablers to better information sharing. It sets out recommendations for improving the ways information is shared among safeguarding partners such as the NHS, police and local authorities, as well as within educational settings. The findings indicate that in order to address the issues with multi-agency information sharing we need: • Functioning, joined-up systems across agencies that support the right data to be used securely by the right people at the right time • an accurate and well-maintained ‘golden record’ about a child/family • confident practitioners who are clear on their roles and responsibilities for sharing and seeking information and feel they can do so in low-burdensome ways. Click here for more details.
Ofsted - Ofsted launches consultation on inspecting supported accommodation 10th July 2023
Ofsted are seeking views on proposals for how they will inspect supported accommodation for looked after children and care leavers aged 16 to 17. The consultation runs from 10 July to 8 September 2023 and will inform Ofsted's arrangements for inspections starting in April 2024. Click here for further information and to have your say. Read more here.
UK Parliament - Attitudes Towards Women And Girls In Education Settings - Report Summary
MPs call for specific Government strategy for engaging with boys and young men in schools on topics of sexual harassment and gender-based violence as part of RHSE review. Relationships and sex education should be made compulsory in post-16 educational settings. Committee calls for sufficient funding and support for teachers to deliver safeguarding effectively as well as RSHE. Find out more.
Domestic Abuse Commissioner - Calls for wide reaching reforms to ensure safety of children in The Family Courts
The Domestic Abuse Commissioner has released a report highlighting ongoing concerns about the traumatising experience of the Family Court for victims and survivors of domestic abuse. The report amplifies calls to centre the experiences of children as victims of domestic abuse to ensure that their voices are clearly heard during proceedings The voice of the child has been all but lost in the Court, and the Commissioner hopes that this report will bring it into the forefront of family law proceedings. The report sets out new plans for the Commissioner to launch a pioneering national oversight mechanism which will, for the first time, uncover proceedings; observing and gathering information in relation to cases in the Family Court involving domestic abuse. This will be key to rebuilding public confidence in the system. View the report here.
Barnardos - A Warm Welcome
The report 'A Warm Welcome' outlines a blueprint for displaced children seeking protection in the UK. Read the report here.
Family President sees "positive signs of change" after five months of Public Law Outline relaunch
Since the relaunch of the Public Law Outline (PLO) in January, the President of the Family Division, Sir Andrew McFarlane, has said there are “already positive signs of change” in the court data and elsewhere. He concluded by noting that the PLWG recommendation for supervision orders to be supported by a ‘supervision plan’, in the same way that a care order relies on a care plan, should be “widely taken up”. See Article here To read 'A View from the President's Chambers' click here
UK Parliament - Connected Technology - MPS call on Government to tackle growing problem of tech-enabled domestic abuse
The Government must make tackling ‘tech abuse’ a priority say MPs, amid a warning that the use of smart technology and connected devices in facilitating domestic abuse is becoming a growing problem.
The Culture, Media and Sport Committee’s report Connect tech: smart or sinister also calls for more to be done to protect the privacy and rights of children, with young people increasingly likely to interact with connected technology at home and in schools. For more information please click here.
Press Release
Department for Education - Transformation to Children's Social Care to put Families First
First local areas selected to test initial set of transformational programmes within children’s social care, supporting families through early help. Click here to read more.
BASW - BASW Statement on biological methods of age assessment
Nuffield Family Justice Observatory - A Focus on the Deprivation of Liberty of 16 and 17 year olds
This short blog shares previously unpublished data about the number of 16 and 17 year-olds deprived of their liberty in the Court of Protection, and compare this to the number of applications received by the national Deprivation of Liberty (DoL) court over the same period. Read the blog here
Home Office - Illegal Migration Act receives Royal Assent July 2023
'These documents relate to the Illegal Migration Act which received Royal Assent on 20 July 2023. Read more here
Government Guidance
Gov/UK: Assessment Framework for Local Authorities Assurance
This is the draft guidance of the Assessment Framework on how CQC intend to assess how well local authorities are performing against their duties under Part one of the Care Act. View here
Social Work News - Government Seeks Views On Standards For Learning Disability And Autism Training
Draft guidance for the Olivia McGowan Code of Practice outlines how health and Care Providers who are CQC registered, can meet the new legislative requirements to ensure staff receive training on learning disabilities appropriate to their role. The consultation lasts until 19th September. Read the guidance here
BASW - Initial Response Home Office and DHSC Safe Care Home Review
The Safe Care at Home Review was produced as the result of evidence presented during the passage of the Domestic Abuse Act 2021 by Peers and the disability sector on the abuse against people receiving care in their own homes. The review makes the case for a stronger response to protect people at risk of or experiencing abuse in their own home by people who directly provide their care. Read the review here
Guardian - Rising numbers of Vulnerable Women Dying Early North East Report
This article looks at at the numbers of vulnerable women who are disproportionally dying in the North East of England due to the triple lock effect of Covid, austerity and cost of living crisis. To view the article click here
Guardian - "We Were Inundated" Creating Pioneering Homes For Autistic Young Adults
Finding creative solutions for autistic young adults where LAs and parents are working together to find solutions to placements. More information here
Training and Resources
SCIE - Safeguarding Adult Reviews in Rapid Time Training Autumn 2023
SCIE have developed Safeguarding Adult Review in Rapid Time model which offers tools and processes to turn around SARs more quickly and produce learning which is of practical value. See here.
Vocational Funding
Skills for Care - Adult Social Care Data Set
The WDF supports the provision of high-quality care and the continuing professional development of staff across the adult social care sector by providing a contribution towards the costs of vocational learning. The fund allows employers to claim back money towards the costs of workers completing a broad range of adult social care qualifications, learning programmes and digital learning modules. To claim the fund you need to meet the criteria for adding data to the Adult Social Care Workforce Data Set. View here
Executive Summary
University of Central Lancashire in collaboration with NHS Race and Health Observatory , learning Disability England, Manchester Metropolitan University and Race Equality Foundation - We deserve Better: Ethnic Minorities with learning Disabilities and Access to healthcare.
This explores the barrier to health care that people with learning disability face from an ethnic minority backgrounds. It also looks at the LeDeR data analysis. It also provides a number of recommendations for the Department of Health and Social Care and NHS England. See more information here
National Framework and Operational Guidance for Autism Assessment Services
This Guidance is intended for Integrated Care Boards to deliver improved outcomes in all age autism assessments pathways. This includes the ten principles for autism assessment services and guidance about applying these principles throughout the commissioning process. To view, click here
Money Helper - Carers Cards
Information about how informal carers can get a carers card through certain banks when the person needs support with shopping, getting cash out or paying certain bills. See more information here.
SCIE and Shared Lives Plus - Resources for Social Workers - Referring to Shared Lives
This is a resource developed with SCIE and Shared Lives Plus for social workers referring to Shared Lives to help build knowledge and skills in this area and to increase the use of Shared Lives referrals in Adult Social Care. Click here to read.
Work Force Plan
NHS England - Long Term Workforce Plan
Workforce plan for the NHS, addressing staffing and improving patient care. It focuses on retaining existing staff and new technology strategies alongside recruitment drives for the NHS. See more
GOV UK - Visiting in Care Homes, Hospitals and Hospices
The Department of Health and Social Care is looking at how they ensure that visiting (including accompanying people to hospital appointments) is protected and that it remains a priority for health and care providers so that patients and residents can receive visitors whenever it is reasonable and safe. This consultation closes on the 16th August. More information here.
Care Choices - How To Find An LGBTQ Friendly Care Home
This blog looks at what support the LGBTQ plus community need when looking for an inclusive care home. View the blog here.
Department of Health (August 2023) Proportional Assessment approaches: a guide from the Chief Social Worker for Adults and Principal Social Workers
This is a Supplementary Guide to the Care Act 2014 and the Care and Statutory Guidance. It is to help professionals think about how they respond proportionality, person centred and work alongside people and their carers who are in need of care and support. View the guide here .
SCIE - Carers' breaks; guidance for commissioners and providers
Focusing on breaks and respite, these two guides are for those involved in the planning, shaping and delivery of support for adult, young and young adult carers. Both include practice examples, primarily from England. Guide available to read here.
Resource for Young People with learning disabilities
NSPCC Learning -
Love Life: Resources for young people with learning disabilities
Films and supporting resources are aimed at young people aged 11 to 25 to help them learn strategies for staying safe as they grow and gain independence. Read more here.
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